I'm Michael Lehman, producer of the Mix06 Buzzcast and I'd like to say hello and welcome to the continuing MIX06 Buzzcast, brought to you for the first time today from beautiful Las Vegas. The Buzzcast series can be found at: http://channel9.msdn.com/shows/The_MIX06_Buzzcast
We've all arrived at the Venetian hotel and the demo gods are hard at work running through the keynote demos, setting up the sandbox room and, most importantly, getting the XBOX 360's running!
To get to the conference hall, you have to come from your room, travel through the casino or through the Grand Canal shopping area.While it's a bit cloudy outside, inside the Venetian hotel it's always blue skies with wisps of white clouds. Once at the conference center, at registration you'll get a very nice hard cover notebook, a set of "bits" DVDs and your badge.
While you're here at MIX I'll be coming around the next three days and inviting many of you to do a podcast and get your thoughts on Channel9. If you want to get on the buzzcast and you don't see me, go to my blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/mglehman, click on the word EMAIL in the upper left-hand corner and drop me a line. I'll be checking frequently throughout the day. I'll also be podcasting, if possible, at the attendee party at the TAO club on Monday night, sound levels permitting.