Mix 06
  • Live in Vegas

Remix MIX Contest Winners

One hundred and six different ways to start a conversation, 17 different countries, 3 entrants going to MIX on the house.  As selected by the Remix judges...

The Top 3 Remixes:

Vegas Retro by TCarnright

Mix 86 by Donavon

Mixmas Tree by Sandra


The Top Honorable Mentions:

72 Hours by Zhivko

A Different Angle by Jon Pielak

Bubbles by Cheri

Elvis Gates by Webmistress

Horizontal Approach by Alpa

Mix2Point0 by Scottmeinzer

Mix Ubu Mix by Alan Sevajian

My Vista MIX06 by Andy Parker

oSpace by Trey


The winner of the MIX06 Microsoft Gadget Contest:

Yousef El-Dardiry


Congratulations to everyone on an incredible experiment in design.  The level of quality, creativity, humor and thought that went into the Remixes is simply incredible.  The judges poured both time and reflection into their decisions'.  They did not always agree on what the best designs were, but there was a consistent amazement at the level of design excellence.

It was extremely difficult to pick only three winners.  To those that were chosen, truest congratulations.  I look forward to toasting you in person at MIX.  To the Honorable Mentions, and all the other designers giving this their all, my heart felt thanks and admiration.  I wish there was a way to recognize in equal share the effort you put into this.

The Remix has left the building - let the MIX begin!


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